
Friday, 11 November 2011

Cycles and Spoons

Ok... so I presume this is where I begin my chat about anything and everything which will probably bore you the reader and embarrass me when I read it back and discover I really am as boring as I feared I might be! Weirdly though I'd like to start by saying that this is something I probably should have done a long time ago.. however, not really understanding how to design my own website and blog has scared me into silence. I have however decided to take a deep breathe, relax and plunge into the mysteries of the unknown.. something I have been doing a lot of recently!

I've had a bit of a hard time over the last few years being in and out of hospital, struggling to find a full time job and being let down and disappointed by a hand full of people. After my last operation back in July, I was sat around feeling sorry for myself, thinking about how little I have done with the last few years of my life since graduating from uni, and I decided that it was time for things to change.

So... I came up with the most ridiculous idea of setting up my own business...

Jinxie and I

What is the business... you'll have to wait and see... but for now I realise it would be rude not to introduce myself so here I am, looking as hot as ever.. with my clinically obese black panther.

I hope you enjoy my blog and I hope that I make more of a success of this than I did of my attempt at twitter - which still baffles me to this day...

cycles and spoons

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