
Saturday, 18 February 2012

Stitch Trade Show

So last Saturday I packed my bags in Worcester, drove to Nottingham to pick up Simeon from Bantum Clothing, then the two of us road tripped it down to Stitch Trade Show at The Business Design Centre in Islington. As usual Simeon tends to be on the slightly unorganised side so the plan to leave at 12pm turned in to leaving at 4.15pm. Arriving in London at 7.15pm we only had 45 minutes to set up the Bantum stand but I think we did good!

Bantum Clothing Stand
Sunday 12th and the first day of Stitch.. also the day my body decides to be so ill that I end up not leaving my bed. Unfortunately for Simeon's parents this meant a whole day of looking after a girl they had only ever met once before, spreading my germs throughout their house (sorry!!!). The rumours I heard back from the show though was that Simeon had found a free bar, and hearing him return home in the early hours of Monday morning confirmed that these rumours had definitely been true! I lay in bed feeling slightly envious of all the free drinks I missed out on.. though not the hang over Simeon had the next day!

So Monday morning came and I managed to drag myself to the show. Now I will be the first to admit I was in a foul mood and spent most my time sat at the Bantum stand (probably scaring away customers) feeling sorry for myself as I was still so ill and had a very scabby nose! I did however manage to build up enough energy to spend about an hour walking around the show talking to the exhibitors and promoting Bridge & Stitch. I met some great people including Art Junkie, Fizzy Milk and Dan from Dmds Enterprises. Hopefully in the near future Bridge & Stitch will be able to work with some of these guys and make the most of UK Manufacturing.

I also managed to pick up some freebies from Bjorg which put a rare smile on my face that day! Monday evening Simeon and I returned to Nottingham and for the rest of the week I have been bombarded with enquiry after enquiry! I literally can't believe how many people have got in touch! It is extremely positive and now I just need to turn these enquiries into customers as customers = money and money is one thing I do not have right now!!

So all in all, a successful week.... until I received a congestion charge fine this morning :( :( :( what a nightmare!!!!

cycles and spoons xxx

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